Historical knowledge, stories, and events play a crucial role in helping the younger generation develop their character, love for their homeland, and national pride. These elements encourage students to become more aware of their responsibilities in life, work, and studies
With the aim of continuing to innovate the way historical knowledge is conveyed, enabling students to better understand the history and the traditions of building and defending the nation, on November 15, 2024, Dai Viet Da Nang College organized a field trip for students from the general education classes 24.1 and 24.2 to visit and learn at the Military Zone 5 Museum. The trip was conducted under the guidance of Teacher Nguyen Khanh Mai, who is in charge of the Presentation Skills course and the Foreign Languages Department.
Image of students visiting and learning historical documents
Before the trip began, the students were very excited. Most of them came from various provinces across the country and this was their first time participating in such a valuable field trip. All the students prepared recording devices to capture the necessary information and were eager to explore and learn new things.
Students offer incense at the Military Zone Memorial House.
The Military Zone 5 Museum, located at 03 Duy Tan - Da Nang, displays a wide array of artifacts and documents related to the Vietnamese people's resistance against Chinese occupation, the territorial disputes over the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos, the First Indochina War with the French, and the Vietnam War.
The teacher incorporated the museum visit as an opportunity for students to learn more about the history, culture, and heroic traditions of the Vietnamese people in the process of building and defending the nation. As part of the practical exercises, the students were divided into groups to present at various points in the museum based on the knowledge they had learned in class and the real-world information they encountered. This form of active learning has proven to be highly effective and is being adopted by many schools.
Unlike textbooks, which convey the achievements of our ancestors in building and protecting the country through written words and figures, the artifacts in the museum offer a more compelling and impressive way of enhancing students' understanding and appreciation of the nation's history.